What Treatment Option Do People with Infertility Have?

 Before you jump to any conclusion that you or your partner have some issues with your fertility or not, make sure you visit a professional doctor at the clinic. All you have to do is search for a fertility center near me, and you should have the right results.

Your doctor will go through all your medical and sexual history, the medications you were prescribed, and your intimate habits. When it comes to men, they are mostly asked to get a physical exam that can include getting a sperm analysis as well. This is done to test the health of their sperm.

In the case of a woman, the tests are a little different, and it includes reviewing the medical history and getting a physical exam. Along with the physical exam, they will need to get a pelvic exam as well. The doctor will have to ensure that the woman is ovulating regularly and that their ovaries are releasing eggs normally. 

In addition to that, blood tests are also required to check the hormone levels. The ovaries and uterus are examined by ultrasound and a specific X-ray test that can check the uterus and fallopian tubes.

It is estimated that, in about eighty percent of couples, the cause of infertility is due to a problem with ovulation, low sperm count or blockage in the fallopian tubes. Sometimes, the cause can be daily life stress or work stress.

What Kind of Treatments Will Work for Infertility?

When it comes to men, there are several ways to improve the chances of recovering from infertility such as:

Getting a surgery, when the main cause of fertility issues is a varicocele which is the widening of the veins in the scrotum or a blockage in the vas deferens, which are the tubes that carry sperm.

Another way to improve fertility conditions in men can be treated with antibiotics. These antibiotics work towards treating any infections in the reproductive organs. Additionally, medications and counselling are also known to help out a lot. In case the male shows some imbalance in hormone levels, hormone treatment has been known to be effective.

When it comes to women, there are several types of treatments that can be used to treat any condition of infertility such as:

In some cases, fertility drugs and hormones are given to the woman to help her ovulate or restore the normal levels of hormones. If other techniques do not work or if there is any extra tissue, such as in case of endometriosis, surgery is done to remove the tissue, or it is done to open fallopian tubes that are blocked. 

Assisted Reproductive Technology

Another great way to treat infertility is by using ART.

Intrauterine Insemination 

In Intrauterine Insemination, also commonly known as IUI, sperm is collected and inserted directly into the woman's uterus while she is ovulating.

In-Vitro Fertilization

In the case of In-Vitro Fertilization, also commonly known as IVF, the sperm and egg are taken and brought together in a lab. The fertilized eggs are allowed to grow for 3 to 5 days after which the embryo is placed in the woman's uterus.

Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer 

Also called GIFT, the process involves gathering the sperm and egg and quickly placing them in the fallopian tube.

Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer

With ZIFT, both the sperm and eggs are brought together in a lab, and the fertilized egg is placed into the tube after 24 hours. 

Such treatment can be easily done in a good clinic, just search for an Infertility clinic center near me and ask for an appointment.